Electric Birds was one of my first-year university projects, it used “traditional” C++ (that is, raw pointers, arrays, etc) instead of smart pointers.
I am currently in the process of rewriting it for my own engine (Charon) as well as using modern C++, originally I was going to update the original code but some issues have prevented this (not to say that it can’t be done, just that it’s easier for me at this point to complete my Charon engine as it already has a scene manager etc. built in).

Electric Birds is a clone of Angry Birds but with slightly different game mechanics (shooting from a cannon instead of a slingshot, the birds electrocute the pigs, etc.), but includes music and a level system with support for multiple levels. The sound library is SFML with an interface class, and this interface class was expanded into SoundEngine, one of my second-year university projects. SFML may or may not be used in this new implementation.

A build and code for the original version of Electric Birds is available:

  • Repository: (has been upgraded to Visual Studio 2019, and uses Git LFS- tested with Windows 10 and appears to work without issue in Windows 11)
  • Game Download:

Please note that the code in the above repository is not the newer version of the game and is legacy code. It is largely untested and is not a reflection of my current C++ programming ability.
This code is provided as means to compare my advancements in programming and problem solving ability- surprisingly I managed not to tear my hair out when looking at my old code!

The repository for the Revisited version of the game will be made available when I am satisfied that I cannot be accused of self-plagiarism, although if you are an employer looking at my work I will be able to provide access (please ask).
I will aim to create an automated build chain via TeamCity that will automatically compile and upload to the Downloads page for the repository on Bitbucket, hooray for CI/CD systems!

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